Sunday 19 October 2025 - ore 9:30
Italian half marathon championship in the men's and women's J/P/S overall category. Valid as third CDS test.
Half Marathon Cremona 2024 The emotion continues with the photos of the race online a few hours after the end of the race! Click on the banner and upload your selfie to see all the photos of you. 1 – Go to ENDUpix by clicking on the black banner or here:https://join.endu.net/pix/?editionId=873682 – Upload a selfie in the appropriate box3 – Choose…
THE DETAILED MAP BIB COLLECTION Bibs must be collected at:the Auditorium room of the Cremona Chamber of Commerce (in via Baldesio a few steps from the Duomo) Saturday 19 October from 15.30 at 19.00 (recommended for “Cremonese” or for those who live not far from the city)Sunday 20 October from 7.00 at 9.15 (for everyone)…
HERE THEY ARE!!! He Team Pacer 2024 is ready to assist you along the way 21 km! The athletes, all volunteers, they will cover the times from 1:25 until 2:15′ every 5′. Stay with them all along the route and you will arrive with the time indicated on the balloon. ATTENTION: the time achieved will be that of “I'm shooting” and not the…
At HMC- Half Marathon Cremona you will run through the streets of one of the most beautiful art cities in Italy. Now in its 24th edition, dal 2016 you ride a new and exciting path, with a first part that unfolds in an artistically priceless context in which the Great River is touched, it runs alongside the main monuments of the city and, a second part, faster and more panoramic with the Cremona skyline visible for several kilometers. The finish line is awesome: the finish at the foot of the Torrazzo has no equal!

If you are not prepared for one 21 km or distance is not for you no fear... you can try your hand at the CR10, a race of 10 km open to all which partly follows the route of the half marathon and which will be offered in two versions: 10 km Competitive e 10,2 km Non-Competitive. Remember, however, that NON-competitive activity is LIMITED to 1000 registrations... so hurry up and sign up!!!
Why run to Cremona?
1° Marzo 2025
registration opening
For the half marathon (21,097 km)the discounted rate is 30 euros up to 30 June. For the
10 km comp. and not comp. the fee is fixed at 15 euro (until the 15 October)
30 June 2025
facilitated registration deadline 21km
From July 1st, ONLY for half, registrations will go through 30 euro a 35 euro
15 October 2025
ALL registrations CLOSED
Registrations may close even earlier if available places are sold out
bib collection
We will update this section shortly
The new suggestions of the Cremona half marathon. This is how we could summarize the new route of the Cremona Half marathon in October 2016.
The idea was to put together the architectural qualities and peculiarities, history and environment of our area, of our city. We have sought the best balance between beautiful context, nice route and least possible discomfort for all the others.
For the 10 km e la 10,2 km the route will coincide with the first part of the half marathon with arrival in Piazza Roma


