The bibs must be collected at:
the Auditorium room of the Cremona Chamber of Commerce (in via Baldesio a few steps from the Duomo)

Saturday 19 October give her 15.30 at 19.00 (recommended for “Cremonese” or for those who live not far from the city)
Sunday 20 October give her 7.00 at 9.15 (for everyone)

Bib collection

Present yourself at the table dedicated to your race with the invitation letter received via email (also digital). Verrà rilasciata una busta con all'interno: bib with built-in disposable timing chip (chips only for the competitive), recognition pins and stickers

Shirt collection

Before leaving the hall, collect your t-shirt at the desks located after collecting your bib.
RACE DAY - before departure

On the day of the race we advise you to collect your bib in time, deliver any bag to the depots (only for the competitive) and position themselves in their respective positions “zone” of departure

Main stage

It is positioned in Piazza del Duomo in the baptistery area.


Present throughout Piazza Duomo


There are signs with the main directions to all services

Changing rooms

Two military tents will be set up in Piazza Stradivari (one male and one female) adibiti all'uso spogliatoio. Chiediamo agli atleti di essere veloci nel loro uso per agevolare l'ingresso di tutti.


Chemical toilets are located in the rear part of the cathedral in the Largo Boccacino area.

Bag storage

Located in Piazza Stradivari, they are ONLY for athletes registered for competitive races


Departure is scheduled for EVERYONE at 9:30. The competitive ones (21 e 10) they will leave together in Corso Vittorio Emanuele Secondo, There are three grids based on the time declared during registration (l'accesso dipenderà dal colore del pettorale). NON-competitive participants will start in the queue in the Via Verdi area.

During the race the audience will provide you with all the emotional energy you need to run! Plus lots of music and art on the streets of Cremona!

Here you will find the map of the route!


Refreshments with water are positioned, salts and any food every 5km. They are marked a hundred meters before with special signs


Every kilometer is indicated by a sign placed along the edges of the road


They will run 10 coppie di pacer che aiuteranno gli atleti ad arrivare al traguardo in tempi prestabiliti a partire dall'1:25 until 2:10 (they are recognizable by the balloons)


Along the route, authorized staff will photograph you during the race and then offer you the best shots at the end of the race

Athletes withdrawn

There will be "broom" vehicles used for the recovery of withdrawn athletes located along the entire route which will follow the race and transport the athletes to the arrival area.

Health care

An adequate medical assistance service will be provided along the route.

Time tracking

Timing service provided by EVODATA using an active microchip which also allows the actual time achieved to be recorded. Verranno registrati anche tempi intermedi per validare l'arrivo.

As soon as you cross the finish line, don't stop! To facilitate the arrival of the other athletes, continue along the marked route to immediately receive the medal. In Piazza Stradivari everything necessary for the post-race is available, such as refreshments and massage services.

Final refreshment

Fornitissimo ristoro per tutti gli atleti all'arrivo posto in piazza Stradivari


All athletes who finish the three races will receive the participation medal from our staff positioned just after the finish line


The MedicinaPo Polyclinic will make the Physiotherapy Staff available to offer you a free post-race massage service!


Showers at the “Barbieri” gym in via 58, a 300 m from arrival.

Health care

Disponibile un adeguato servizio di assistenza medica all'arrivo e in piazza Stradivari.


Those registered for the competitive and non-competitive 10km will arrive in Piazza Roma while those of the 21 km will arrive in Piazza Duomo

We are waiting for you at

Cremona, town square!

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