A Cremona, Sunday 20 October 2024
XXIII edition of the Cremona Half Marathon, national competitive individual road race of 21,065 Km, masculine and feminine.
1) Italian and foreign athletes registered for FIDAL affiliated companies and belonging to the Juniores categories (18/19 years), Promise (20/22 years), seniors (yes SM-SF 23 to SF-SM95 and above).
2) Foreign athletes registered for foreign federations affiliated to the W.A. presenting, upon registration:
– EU foreign athletes: authorization from the federation to which they belong
– Non-EU athletes: in addition to the authorization of its Federation, the residence permit or entry visa.
N.B. Athletes "registered" for a foreign federation affiliated to the W.A. who are not registered by their Federation or Assistant Club must sign a self-certification attesting their membership.
3) Italian and foreign female athletes registered for Sports Promotion Organizations (Athletics discipline) who have signed the agreement with FIDAL, only if in possession of a valid RUNCARD-EPS (unexpired validity date). Athletics and year must be clearly indicated on the institution's membership card 2024.
N.B. = They must present the original medical certificate of competitive fitness bearing the wording "Atletica Leggera", a copy of which will be given to the organizers. These athletes will be regularly included in the race classification, but they will not be able to enjoy refunds, bonuses and access the prize pool in cash and/or generic value vouchers.
4) RUNCARD holders. Italian citizens and foreigners residing in Italy can participate, limited to people aged from 20 years (thousandth of age 2004) on, not members of a club affiliated to FIDAL or a foreign athletics club affiliated to WA, nor for an affiliated company (Athletics discipline) to a Sports Promotion Organization in possession of a valid RUNCARD (unexpired date) issued directly by FIDAL ( ).
Their participation is, however, subject to the presentation of a medical certificate of competitive fitness for Athletics valid in Italy, the original of which must be shown to the organizers.. A copy of the medical certificate will be kept on file by the organizing company of each event in which the athlete in possession of the RUNCARD participates.
These athletes will be regularly included in the ranking but will not be able to enjoy refunds – bonus and access the prize pool.
5) Italian and foreign RUNCARD holders residing abroad. Italian and foreign citizens can participate, limited to people aged from 20 years (thousandth of age 2004) on, not members of a club affiliated to FIDAL or a foreign athletics club affiliated to WA, nor for an affiliated company (Athletics discipline) to a Sports Promotion Organization affiliated with FIDAL in possession of a valid RUNCARD (unexpired date) issued directly by FIDAL ( ).
N.B. = The RUNCARD card is renewable. The expiry date is shown on the RUNCARD card. If the day of the event, when checking the card, it is detected that the same has expired, the athlete CANNOT participate, unless a receipt for online renewal is presented.
Their participation is however subject to the presentation of a medical certificate of competitive fitness for Athletics valid in Italy.. They can also present a medical certificate issued in their own country, but complies with the diagnostic tests required by Italian legislation to be able to carry out competitive activities, which will be exhibited in the original, leaving a copy, to the Organizers.
In accordance with the provisions of the law in force (D.M. 18/02/82) those who practice competitive sports must undergo preventive and periodic checks on specific suitability for the sport. Italian legislation requires that subjects must undergo the following health checks:
– Medical examination
– Complete urine test
– Electrocardiogram at rest and after exercise
– Spirography
All statements and examination reports must be authentic or true to originals.
A copy of the medical certificate must be kept in the records of the organizing company of each event in which the athlete in possession of the RUNCARD participates.
These athletes will be regularly included in the race classification, but they will not be able to enjoy refunds, bonus, or access prize pools or generic value vouchers.
6) Participation with purposehas tourist-sports for foreigners residing abroad. Based on the provisions of the Art. 26 comma 4, 4.1 e 4.2 of the Rules for the Organization of Events issued by FIDAL for the year 2024, Foreign citizens residing abroad can participate for tourism-sports purposes, limited to people aged from 20 years (thousandth of age: 2004) on.
These athletes will participate in a non-competitive event that does not fall under the aegis of FIDAL, despite taking place at the same time as the competitive half marathon.
These athletes will be identified with a different bib and placed in an alphabetical order of arrival distinct from the rankings of the competitive event and will not be able to benefit from prizes in kind, in money, value vouchers, bonus, engagements, reimbursement of expenses of any kind.
To partecipate, these athletes must present a specific form signed and stamped by a doctor, who certifies their eligibility to participate in a non-competitive half marathon on the basis of the health regulations in force in their country of citizenship.
Participants in the Event may be subject to doping controls. They are also subject to the provisions set out in the art. 25 of the Fidal Rules, if already subject to disciplinary suspension.
They cannot participate:
– Athletes registered for other FEDERATIONS (es. Triathlon)
– Athlete(s) registered with Sports Promotion Organizations recognized by CONI but not affiliated with FIDAL, who have not subscribed to the RUNCARD
– Medical certificates of fitness for competition bearing wording such as race, running, marcia, marathon,
triathlon, half marathon etc...are not valid for participation.
– Medical certificates of competitive fitness for other sports are not valid for participation: they will be
Only those that expressly include the wording “Athletics” will be accepted..
€ 30,00 euros from 01 APRIL to 30 JUNE 2024
Registrations must be made by paying the relative amount in one of the following ways:
- Online – Transaction in Euros through online registration on our website and online payment by credit card with the secure PayPal system.
- Bank transfer made out to CREMONA RUNNERS CLUB ASD at: PADAN CREDIT, c/c n° IBAN: IT64 C 08454 11400 0000000 85054
- Or by delivery of the registration form - filled in in all its parts - of the photocopy of the FIDAL - RUNCARD - RUNCARD EPS card (the medical certificate of suitability for competitive sports in athletics) and paying the registration fee at the “TUTTO DI CORSA” shops via Castelleone n. 36 – 26100 Cremona, or at the CMP STORE Corso Campi n. 64 , or at the ZONA CAMBIBIO shop in Via Mercatello, 3 a Cremona – 26100 Cremona until TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER 2024.
The registration form is available in pdf format and can be downloaded from the website:
Entry forms or photocopies thereof, filled in in every part, they will have to arrive, together with the receipt of payment by TUESDAY 15 OCTOBER BY EMAIL:
We remind you to attach a legible PHOTOCOPY of the FIDAL CARD to the registration form and the photocopy of the payment.. Owners of RUNCARD and RUNCARD EPS, in addition to the card they must present a photocopy of the medical certificate valid for competitive sports activities and the practice of athletics.
The participation fee includes
Race Pack
Insurance and medical assistance
Refreshments along the way
Timing service
Pacemaker service
Disposable timing chip
Technical shirt with the logo of the event
Medal for all athletes who arrived
Bag custody service
Showers and changing rooms
Security Service
Closing a 2000 ATHLETES. Registrations will be closed after the deadline 150 OCTOBER 2024.
Entries received after that deadline will not be accepted.
You can check your registration on the website under the heading "verify your registration".
N.B. Registrations will not be accepted on the day of the event.
Online enrollment confirmation letters, showing the assigned bib number, will be sent by email.
For this reason it is advisable to indicate your e-mail address in a clear and legible manner.
Registrations without the participation fee will not be accepted, or the medical certificate for competitive athletics, or with incomplete address or personal data. For the purposes of the registration fee, the date of payment will be considered.
Participation fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. Except in the case of force majeure.
Under no circumstances will it be possible to replace the name assigned to a bib with other different names AND IT WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE TO POSTPONE REGISTRATION TO THE NEXT EDITION.
The race bib is strictly personal, it cannot be tampered with or reduced and is not transferable to anyone, penalty of disqualification. Participants will be able to collect their bib at the BAG ROOM OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE VIA BALDESIO – CREMONA FROM SATURDAY 19 OCTOBER 2024 ORE 15.30/19.00 SEE YOU ON SUNDAY 20 OCTOBER 2024 FROM 7.30 UNTIL THE START OF THE RACE.
The RACE PACKAGE will be delivered immediately after arrival together with the participation medal.
The race bibs and race packs may also be collected by third parties, with written proxy, confirmation letter from the delegating party and photocopy of a valid identification document.
Departure will take place starting at 3:00 pm 9.30 from Corso Vittorio Emanuele, access to the starting grid, after passing through the bib control area, takes place on the basis of the number and color of the bib.
The color is assigned based on the personal time declared by the athlete at the time of registration.
IMPORTANT: Athletes who start in grids other than those assigned will not be classified.
The timing service (REAL TIME) it will be carried out by EVODATA – using an active microchip which also allows the actual time achieved to be recorded.
The chip is strictly personal and cannot be entrusted to another athlete. The intermediate times of each athlete will be recorded at several points of the route to guarantee the correct preparation of the rankings.
The chip is disposable.
The time limit to finish the CREMONA HALF MARATHON is set at 3h00'. After these times the organization will no longer be able to guarantee the complete closure of the route to traffic.
The racing shoes to be used must comply with the provisions of the International Technical Regulations (RT 5)
Refreshments are provided every 5 Km. The deposit is foreseen in Piazza Stradivari.
There will be "broom" vehicles used for the recovery of withdrawn athletes located along the entire route which will follow the race and transport the athletes to the arrival area.
Showers at the “Barbieri” gym in via 58, a 300 m from arrival.
The Organizing Committee will prepare an adequate medical assistance service along the route and at the starting and finishing points.
After the finish line, the athletes will be channeled into special corridors for the collection of the race pack and the medal
The rankings will be drawn up with the recording of gun time times by EVODATA. It will be possible to view the rankings on the official EVODATA website at the end of the event.
Only for athletes/members of FIDAL affiliated companies
The first ten men of the general classification and the first five Italian classified will be awarded.
The first five women of the general classification and the first four Italian classified will also be awarded.
The first three male and female finishers of each FIDAL category will also be awarded.
For the awards of the MEN'S competition:
1 classified euro euro 1.000
2 classified euro euro 800
3 classified euro euro 400
4 classified euro euro 300
5 classified euro euro 250
6 classified euro euro 200
7 classified euro euro 150
8 classified euro euro 120
9 classified euro euro 120
10 classified euro euro 120
1 classified euro euro 300
2 classified euro euro 200
3 classified euro euro 150
4 classified euro euro 150
5 classified euro euro 140
For the awards of the WOMEN'S competition:
1 classified euro 1.000
2 classified euro 800
3 classified euro 400
4 classified euro 300
5 classified euro 250
1 classified euro 300
2 classified euro 200
3 classified euro 150
4 classified euro 150
Prize money in euros 300 to the first man who drops below the time of 1h01:00
The disbursement of cash prizes takes place in accordance with the rules of the W.A. and the laws of the Italian State. The prize money reserved for Italian and "Italian equivalent" athletes (pari al 25% of the jackpot), assigned by ranking position, it can be combined with the general prize pool. In half marathon races, the prize money dedicated to Italians WILL NOT be awarded for men's chronometric performances exceeding 1h11'00 and women's performances exceeding 1h23'00..
No cash prizes (or similar case: generic good value, bonus, engagements, reimbursement of expenses of any kind and for any reason) it can be foreseen for the athletes of the Allievi categories, for holders of "Runcard" and "Runcard-EPS".
N.B. ATHLETES Members for RUNCARD EPS or in possession of the RUNCARD cannot receive Bonuses, refunds or access prize pools or generic value vouchers.
Prize money in euros 300 if the men's running record is broken.
Prize money in euros 300 if the women's run record is broken.
The prizes of the general classification and the prizes foreseen for Italian athletes can be combined.
The first ones will also be awarded with prizes in kind 3 classified athletes of all categories.
In this case the prizes can be combined with those of the general classification and with those foreseen for Italian athletes.
Prizes not collected on the day of the race will not be shipped or delivered to the home. Prizes not collected on race day will be given to charity.
Any complaints must be presented within 30 minutes of the display of the rankings, in the first instance verbally to the Finish Judge and in the second instance in writing to the Judge of Appeal, accompanied by the fee 100,00 euro, which will be returned if the complaint is accepted.
The judges can check the athlete's membership and identity in accordance with the provisions of art. 8-9 of the activity rules.
For anything not expressly provided for in this regulation, please refer to the general technical-statutory regulations of FIDAL. The Race Judges Group may disqualify athletes who do not pass through the detection points located along the route.
By sending an email to
“I declare that I know and respect the regulation of the CREMONA HALF MARATHON 2024 published on the website, after approval by FIDAL and having completed 18 years on half marathon day ( for FIDAL it is valid for a calendar year and therefore for the Juniores category, in addition, RUNCARD holders must have a minimum 20 years); I declare that I am in possession of a valid medical certificate of competitive sport fitness at 20 October 2024. I presented the certificate together with the registration form, if you are not a FIDAL member. I know that participating in the CREMONA HALF MARATHON 2024 and sporting events in general is potentially a risky activity. I declare, Furthermore, to register voluntarily and I assume all risks deriving from my participation in the event: falls, contact with vehicles, with other participants, spectators or something, time condition, including scorching heat, extreme cold and/or wet, traffic and road conditions, every type of risk well known and evaluated by me. Being aware of the above, considering acceptance of my membership, io, on my behalf and in no one else's interest, I relieve and free the Organizing Committee of the CREMONA HALF MARATHON 2024, la CREMONA RUNNERS ASD, the Regional Administration of Lombardy, the administration of the municipality of Cremona, the Fidal, i G.G.G., all sponsors of the event, i respective exempting, successors, officials, directors, members, agents and employees of the aforementioned companies, of all present and future claims or liabilities of any kind, known or unknown, derived from my participation in the event. Once registration for the CREMONA HALF MARATHON has been accepted, the participation fee is non-refundable, even in the event of cancellation. I also grant my permission to all the entities listed above to use photographs, ribbons, video, images within the website and anything relating to my participation in the event for any legitimate use without remuneration"
The member is responsible for the ownership and custody of his race bib, acquiring the right to use all the services mentioned in this regulation and subsequently communicated.
a) Whoever, without regular registration participates without bib, as well as being held responsible for damage to people or things, including himself, will incur sports sanctions under the jurisdiction of federal bodies and may be liable to the criminal sanctions provided for the crime of "theft" (art. 624. c.p.).
b) Whoever, without regular registration participates with a counterfeit bib or in any case not compliant with the assignment, in addition to being responsible as indicated above, will incur sporting sanctions e, Furthermore, may be subject to the criminal sanctions provided for the crime of "theft" (art. 624. c.p.), that is to say, alternatively, for the crime of fraud (art. 640 c.p). In cases a) e b) participants may be subject to the sanctions provided for the crime of "failure to comply with the provisions of the Authorities" (art. 650 c.p.) The aforementioned cases will be found only after checking photographic and/or video documentation.
In accordance with the regulation 679/2016:
A) that the data contained in the registration form are required for registration, to prepare the list of participants, ranking it, the historical archive, to carry out the services declared in the regulations and to send information material of the CREMONA HALF MARATHON 2024 and subsequent ones and for the sending of information and commercial offers by its partners and sponsors;
B) that the consequences of failure to provide the above data or information consist of non-admission to the event;
C) that the rights of the interested party in relation to the processing of personal data are listed in the article 7 of the aforementioned Legislative Decree n. 196/03”. At any time, the interested party can consult, modify, delete your data free of charge by writing to the person responsible for processing personal data at CREMONA RUNNERS A.S.D.
By registering for the CREMONA HALF MARATHON 2024, the athlete expressly authorizes the CREMONA RUNNERS Amateur Sports Association, to resume, with television media, cinematic, photographic or other means, the image of the undersigned during his participation in the CREMONA HALF MARATHON and to confirm with this declaration said authorization recognizing CREMONA RUNNERS A.S.D. the broadest right to register them, reproduce them, print them, publish and project them, spread them, and in any case use them with any means currently known or that will be invented in the future, without time limits of any kind, all over the world and to yield, to its commercial and institutional partners the rights to use the image also for promotional and/or advertising purposes. The athlete also declares that he has nothing to expect from CREMONA RUNNERS A.S.D. and/or its assignees and/or assignees, and in general by anyone who uses and exploits his image, every request of the Athlete being satisfied by the opportunity to take part in the sporting event.
The organizing committee has granted the right to commercialize images, in compliance with the Privacy law to the "Racephoto" photographic agency on the Endupix platform.
By registering for the XXIII Cremona Half Marathon the athlete declares that he knows everything in its entirety, to accept these regulations and to exempt the organizers from any liability, both civil and criminal, for damage to people and/or things caused by him or derived from him. Participating athletes must respect the rules of the Highway Code. Pursuant to Legislative Decree. n°679/2016 of 30/6/2003, before registering, the athlete is required to read the documentation on the protection of privacy, available on the website and to express their consent to the processing of personal data, in the prescribed manner. The data provided will be treated in compliance with the provisions of the Legislative Decree. Lgs. 679/2016 n. 196 and used exclusively for the purposes set out in the information published on the website
If the race is canceled and/or, Anyway, not carried out for reasons not dependent on and/or not attributable to the will of the organizers, including the revocation of the authorization for the performance by the competent public bodies, the member will have nothing to claim from CREMONA RUNNERS A.S.D. or by other co-organizers, not even by way of reimbursement of expenses incurred or those to be incurred, with the signing of the registration application also being considered as a waiver of any claim for compensation for damages and/or compensation and/or any claim for reinstatement and/or satisfaction of any possible prejudice assets immediately and undergoing.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to modify this regulation at any time due to the changes that will be made to the F.I.D.A.L regulations. and for reasons he deems appropriate for a better organization of the race. Any changes to timetables, services and locations will be communicated to registered athletes in the confirmation letter and in any case on the website
For anything not provided for in these regulations, please refer to the specific regulations and laws in force on the matter. The Race Judges Group may disqualify athletes who do not pass through the detection points located along the route. The organizing company reserves the right to vary any clause of these Regulations at any time for reasons of force majeure. the race will take place on an entirely paved route, closed to traffic and flat. In any case, competitors will not be able to tamper with or reduce the race bib by hiding wordings and/or symbols, penalty of disqualification. All participants in the race are required to respect the highway code. It is expressly forbidden to be accompanied by a bicycle or other unauthorized personnel under penalty of disqualification.